

Sermon - May 12

Today Fr. Jordan has a message in honor of Mother's Day and of Commitment Sunday for the Capital Campaign. Then he talks about the Gospel reading. Jesus is pouring out His heart to the Father in the high priestly prayer, praying for us to have deep unity among ourselves.

Graduating Senior Address - May 5

Lucy tells us what growing up at St. Laurence has meant to her

Graduating Senior Message - May 5

Sophia tells us what growing up at St. Laurence has meant to her.

Sermon - May 5

Today is Youth Sunday. Our youth, Fr. Jordan tells us, are not just our future but they are our present and they bless us now. A big part of what we are hoping to build with our expansion is not just for the adults, but for our young people. Much of the square footage is for them.

Sermon - April 28

Bishop Reed preaches today that we are called to live lives of obedience. It's not enough to say that we love God and one another, we must show it. Obedience is the call to discipleship and the call to Jesus is a way of life.

Sermon - April 21

God has richly blessed St. Laurence since our founding in 1951, Fr. Jordan tells us today. We're not here by chance. God has brought all of us here. Today we are kicking off our Capital Campaign for the expansion, and we're celebrating all that God has given us and all that He is doing here.

Sermon - April 14

Fr. Jordan tells us that Christ is alive today. He is not a historical figure. The Church is not a museum that we all come to. Jesus reigns over all things from His throne in heaven and He is among us now.

Sermon - April 7

Fr. Rogers preaches today on Doubting Thomas. When he declares, "My Lord and my God" he is making a personal claim. Jesus is not just "the Lord" but "his Lord." It is a statement of full and unrestrained trust. We see the good news of Easter becoming real in Thomas.

Sermon - March 31

Fr. Jordan’s Easter sermon

Sermon - March 24

Fr. Jordan’s Palm Sunday Sermon

Sermon - March 17

"We wish to see Jesus," said some Greeks to St. Philip. Fr. Jordan tells us today that the sermons and the Eucharist are all about showing you Jesus Christ. It's the goal of the entire Christian life - to see Jesus. We are just like those Greeks, hungry to know Jesus ad to hear from him.

Sermon - March 10

Fr. Rogers relates God's gift of manna for the Israelites to Jesus' feeding of the 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish. We have on display here our Lord's supreme capacity for anticipating our wants and needs.

Sermon - March 3

Today's Gospel reading about Jesus and the moneychangers in the temple, shows Jesus in a different light than we are used to. It shows He was a very passionate man. Fr. Jordan tells us that Jesus cares deeply about the greed and exploitation that He sees in His Father's house and He forcefully puts it to an end.

Sermon - Feb. 25

"Get behind me Satan," our Lord says to Peter in today's Gospel. Peter doesn't want any talk of suffering so he rebukes Jesus. Fr. Jordan tells us today that Jesus' answer to Peter gives us 3 characteristics that all Christian people must possess: Follow, Live lives of self-denial, Take up our crosses.